Metabolism Boosters

Here is a short and easy list of foods that get your metabolism going. Everyone wants a fast metabolism. By simply adding these foods to your diet, exercising daily, and eating clean, you will accomplish great things.

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  1. Cold Water
  2. Almonds
  3. Spinach
  4. Turkey
  5. Mustard
  6. Salmon
  7. Hot Peppers
  8. Cinnamon
  9. Oatmeal
  10. Yogurt
  11. Green Tea
  12. Blueberries
  13. Coffee
  14. Ginger
  15. Coffee

If you do not know what to eat after a work, then eat a banana! If you eat a banana 15 minutes after your workout, your  body will store it as glucose for energy later. Not Fat!

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The Liquid Boost

Here are five very healthy drinks to give your workout an extra boost.

1. Beet Juice- This juice is best for training for an event, such as a 5k. Sip on beet juice for 2-3 days before the event takes place, and watch as you come to that finish line faster! Beet juice allows the blood to flow through your muscles.

2. Coffee- Unheard of, right? Wrong! Drink some coffee before doing strength exercises or cardio. Caffeine slows down the process of using up glycogen for energy. This will allow you to work out for longer periods of time.

3. Chocolate Milk- Whip up a nice tall glass of chocolate milk after strength exercises or cardio. The combination of carbs and protein speeds of the repair of workout micro-tears and reduces soreness. Remember, always drink this during your “magic window” of 45 minutes after your workout ends.

4. Coconut Water- For all of you yoga and pilates freaks! Coconut water is a low calorie drink, rich with potassium. This helps to reduce cramps and help you sweat a lot more, which are two ideal aspects when doing yoga and pilates classes regularly.

5. Non-Alcoholic Beer- This beverage is ideal for after a half-marathon. It will not provide you with any sort of buzz; however, it will strengthen your immune system. During a half-marathon, your immunity is weakened, but the anti-inflammatory compounds in non-alcoholic beer quickly changes that.


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The Perks of Having a Period


Typically, all women of all ages utterly despise their time of the month. Not to blame them, we all know how tough and painful it can be, if only for a few days. We moan and groan, lay around and curse our bodies, yet we are unaware of the positives!

 1. Three days after your period begins, estrogen levels are very high. These escalating levels cause an increase in the production of skin firming collagen, helpful for less wrinkles! Also, estrogen causes hair to create more oil, making it softer and shinier. Beautiful hair is always in style.

2. It’s time for your skinniest jeans and cutest crop top, girls! Two weeks before your period starts, estrogen is at it’s peak. This means that your metabolism is speeding up and your hunger is partially depressed.

3. Post-ovulation, or when the body goes into “pregnancy mode”, happens whether you are pregnant or not. During this pregnancy mode, your nesting instincts will kick in, and you’ll be an organizing and cleaning queen!

4. During the duration of menstruation, a great amount of progesterone is produced, which means your mental skills are positively working hard. It’s a perfect time to start that project or idea you’ve been putting off for a while.

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Who doesn’t want a flat belly?

Because we live in the sunny and beautiful South Florida, we always want that gorgeous beach body! I’ve come up with a few easy tips in order to keep that belly flat and in shape.

  • Drink a gallon of water a day.
  • 2-3 Cups of green tea a day.
  • Cut out salt. (as much as you can) For example, do not add extra salt to you food.
  • Cut out all refined sugars.
  • 4-6 small meals a day, to keep your metabolism going.
  • Only wholw grained foods. ( NO whites breads, pasta, etc.)
  • Stop doing heavy weight exercises for your ab exercises.
  • 20-30 minutes cardio for 3-5 times a week.

Here is an ab excerise routine from youtube that helps me a lot.

I like to mute the sound on my computer and add my own music! It gets me pumped up and makes the time fly by!

Good Luck, Eat Well, and Have a Healthy Friday! 🙂

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Squats on Squats on Squats

Lately, there has been a health kick sweeping the world! It seems as though everyone is trying to get in shape and get that perfect beach body. This is my very first Beauty and Health post, and I know all women want that beautiful booty! If you feel as though you don’t have a butt or you don’t like the way it looks, I have an amazing secret for you…SQUATS! Ladies, squats have just become your new best friends. Squats tone your butt, thighs, quads, hips, and hamstrings. What’s not to love?

Here are a couple of ways to do squats:

  • The Power Cage: In the power cage you will use the bar, which you place behind neck on top of your shoulders. You can add-on weight, to gain more strength. I would advise asking a trainer at your gym, to do them properly.
  • The Free Weight Squat: With these squats you do not need any equipment. You simply squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair. ALWAYS REMEMBER: Do not let you knees go past your feet. If you knees do go past your feet, you can cause injury and you are not going to get the full effect of the squat.
  • Overhead Squat: This is anything non-weight squat. You do a regular squat, but you put your arms straight forward.

The Challenge! Here is a fun way and easy way to break into doing squats!


Good Luck and have a healthy friday!!!! 🙂 Don’t forget today is Flex Fridays!!! 😉

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