Squats on Squats on Squats

Lately, there has been a health kick sweeping the world! It seems as though everyone is trying to get in shape and get that perfect beach body. This is my very first Beauty and Health post, and I know all women want that beautiful booty! If you feel as though you don’t have a butt or you don’t like the way it looks, I have an amazing secret for you…SQUATS! Ladies, squats have just become your new best friends. Squats tone your butt, thighs, quads, hips, and hamstrings. What’s not to love?

Here are a couple of ways to do squats:

  • The Power Cage: In the power cage you will use the bar, which you place behind neck on top of your shoulders. You can add-on weight, to gain more strength. I would advise asking a trainer at your gym, to do them properly.
  • The Free Weight Squat: With these squats you do not need any equipment. You simply squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair. ALWAYS REMEMBER: Do not let you knees go past your feet. If you knees do go past your feet, you can cause injury and you are not going to get the full effect of the squat.
  • Overhead Squat: This is anything non-weight squat. You do a regular squat, but you put your arms straight forward.

The Challenge! Here is a fun way and easy way to break into doing squats!


Good Luck and have a healthy friday!!!! 🙂 Don’t forget today is Flex Fridays!!! 😉

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