Renew Your Shorts

Renew your jeans into a brand new summer shorts! Turn your old jeans into on trend shorts in 20 minutes with inexpensive supplies.

Step One: Put the jeans on a draw lines with a pencil where you want the jeans cut. Add an extra inch to leave for mistake and distressing. (Distressing is when you make the jeans look “ripped”. Take of jeans.

Steph Two: Either buy lace ribbon or cut up an old laced shirt. Measure the exact length of each pocket, but do not leave any extra room. Cut lace with a fabric scissor.

Step Three: Using a fabric glue, make a line of glue on the front line of the bottom of the lace fabric. Carefully place the lace fabric in the front inside of the pocket.

Step Four: Repeat all three steps for three other pocket.

Extra: If you’d like to add more detail add lace fabric to the back pockets. Cut out one of the pockets. Measure the pocket’s exact measurements and mark the lace fabric with chalk or a pencil. Lightly glue the back of the fabric and place them on the shorts.



Here is the after shot of my shorts! The flowered shorts were high waisted bremuda shorts. I truned that into festival ready high waisted shorts! I am going to add the lace and studs soon!
renew yourself shorts